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Ipsos MORI POLL: 56% Of Canadians Say Individual Freedom Is More Important Than ‘Social Justice’

May 4th, 2018 | by Richard Paul
Ipsos MORI POLL: 56% Of Canadians Say Individual Freedom Is More Important Than ‘Social Justice’
Business and Finance





POLL: 56% Of Canadians Say Individual Freedom Is More Important Than ‘Social Justice’






Ipsos MORI survey shows people in India are most likely to favour individual freedom, while people in France are most likely to favour ‘social justice.’

A new survey by Ipsos MORI conducted near the 200th anniversary of Marx’s birth asked people around the world whether they felt Individual Freedom was more important than ‘social justice.’

Here are some of the key numbers:

56% of Canadians support individual freedom, leaving 44% who favour ‘social justice.’

India is the most supportive of individual freedom, with 72% favouring it. In the United States, 66% favour individual freedom.

On the other end of the spectrum, the countries least in favour of individual freedom were Saudi Arabia (43%), Germany (38%), China (37%), and France (36%).

Here’s a chart with the full results:


Chart – Ipsos MORI

Those numbers are a good reminder of why Canada should have naturally close ties with the United States and India, while being wary of China. It’s a very different set of values.

With that in mind, the fact that 44% of Canadians rank ‘social justice’ ahead of individual freedom is concerning, and shows that there’s a large potential base for the authoritarian left-wing governance we see under Justin Trudeau. That’s why all of us Canadian patriots who stand for individual freedom must never back down in our effort to ensure Canada always remains the true north strong and FREE.


Spencer Fernando

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