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“Liberal MPPs have been accused of sexual harassment in past three years, Ontario premier reveals”

May 4th, 2016 | by admin
Culture, Society & History

The Ottawa Citizen , ever so faithful to tow the corporate line and mass propaganda efforts, now tells us “Premier Kathleen Wynne said Tuesday that she’s had to deal with allegations of sexual harassment against at least two Liberal members of the Ontario legislature since she became party leader in 2013.”

It would seem being a man these days is akin to being some sort of freak. Whereas anything men say can be construed as , sexist, harassing or downright homophobic.

Does the Ottawa Citizen have an agenda? Seems to us it does since we hear nothing about the absurd debt incurred by our “Kathleen Wynne’s bone-headed plan to sell Hydro One” or even her plan to revamp our educational system. To dumb down its population.

So just to make sure no-one suspects the enormous 300 billion debt Ontarian’s will need to pay up thru more taxes and user fees.

No your “You’re not imagining it. Canadian politics is getting dumber.”

Meanwhile Rome is burning and the Emperor has no clothes.

Richard Paul

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