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Showdown of the Century: TRUMP VS CLINTON

May 4th, 2016 | by admin

In case you have not had enough of the American political election spectacle. Well, here comes the showdown between Trump and Hillary Clinton. As we dub this the ultimate fight pitting men against women.Of course this absurdity would not have been possible without the foreknowledge of political marksmanship.

Take for instance Hillary’s track record as an “alleged” criminal master planner. Then take Trump’s incessant sexist views. Put those two together and what do you get? Well, you get women disregarding the “alleged” activities of Hillary and you get men disregarding the sexist attitudes espoused by a billionaire.

Remarkably, what is missing in all of this is the fact both candidates are picked by the establishment to provide the bread and circus atmosphere while the largest and most powerful country in the world with the world reserve currency in tow is sinking and taking along with it THE REST OF THE WORLD WITH IT.

Richard Paul

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